Nestled in the picturesque hilly landscape of Brione sopra Minusio, this charming villa offers a peaceful and sunny location with a breathtaking view of Lake Maggiore and the surrounding mountains. The spacious, light-flooded living spaces and the terraced garden with pool invite you to enjoy the beauty of the region to the full.
The villa extends over several levels and is ideal for families or as a vacation home. The large windows capture the Mediterranean light and create a pleasant, bright atmosphere. The spacious garden with palm trees and the unobstructed lake view offer an incomparable living experience. Once the renovation work has been completed, this property will be a real gem with an exclusive flair.
Minusio is one of the most sought-after residential locations in Ticino. The proximity to Locarno and Ascona, combined with the mild climate, makes this location ideal for a peaceful lifestyle. Here you can enjoy the best of both worlds - the tranquillity of nature and the amenities of the city within easy reach.